September 25, 2009

Pt. Defiance Zoo

The kids had a half day at school today and after hearing of a few friends going to the zoo Emma and I quickly got a few things together and surprised the boys when we picked them up from school. The weather couldn't have been better and I knew the kids would have a really good time. We were so excited to learn that the carousel was FREE. We rode it once to start and then headed down to the outdoor theatre for the animal show.

During the show we got to see an iguana, parrot, and armadillo. After the show the kids got to go up and see them really close. Most of the kids were surprisingly interested in the armadillo. I prefered to look at the parrot. The colors were so vibrant and inviting. He was kind of a loud parrot though. The iguana was neat but I try and steer clear of scaley animals!

After the show Andrew had a little fall and scrapped up his knee pretty bad. We got separated from the group but that was ok. It took about 30 minutes for his knee to stop hurting and the poor kid was walking half bent over just to get back up to the entrance where the kid zone was. Peter was sweet to hold his hand and walk at his slow pace while I pushed the stroller up the hill. We spent some time there and after playing Andrew finally felt better. We headed over to see the elephants and were happy to run into some of our friends. We continued on to see the tiger, sea otters, and monkeys. We got really lucky to see the tiger close up. When we were first got there he was sleeping in the back but then five minutes later he got up and walked right in front of the viewing area. I quickly got Abby out of her stroller so she could see him. She was pretty fascinated by the big animals like the elephant and the tiger. We let her do some walking and she was in heaven. It was so cute to see her excitment to run down the path to see more animals. Our last stop was to the Aquarium to see the fish. Abby loved looking in the big fish tank to see the big fish and little sharks. Andrew and Peter were so excited to see all of the different kinds of sea life in the little tanks along the wall. By the time we were done with the fish we headed up to get an ice-cream cone and then to ride the carousel a few more times. I think the kids ended up riding it five times in a row. Abby was a little unsure she wanted to be on the carousel but after going around once and having me right by her side she became a little more excited. I just kept saying, "Wee Wee" and making horse noises. That totally helped her feel more comfortable. We ended up leaving a little later than expected and did run into some traffic going home but thankfully I took the back roads home and never ended up getting on the freeway. All of the kids except Abby fell asleep on the way home. It was a super fun day at the zoo! We will definitely be going back before it gets too cold!

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