During the last week of school Emma's class had fun watching two of their classmates perform a Japanses dance together and then they all got to learn a Japanese dance. Some of the other moms brought in extra yukatas for the girls to wear. Emma had so much fun learning the new dance and was so excited by it that she insisted that I sign her up to take the Japanese dance class next school year.
Emma had two great teachers this year - Ms. Edwards and assistant Ms. Arandia. They were such a great team. Normally in the multiage class you get to enjoy your teachers for two years. Unfortunately for us Ms. Edwards is moving to a normal Kindergarten class for the next school year and they will be getting a new multiage teacher. All the kids in the class got to meet the new teacher, Ms. Switzer. Emma thinks she is nice which is great. I can't believe Emma has finished Kindergarten already. She has come so far this year in her reading, writing and math skills. I can't wait to see what First Grade brings to the table.

Emma's spot on the rug

During the last week of school Peter's class had an end of year celebration where they entertained us with some poetry reading, songs, and presentations of their research projects done in class. Peter did his research on Mythical Creatures. He was so excited to read his presentation to us. I just smiled as I thought about how far he has come this year in his learning. Peter had one of the most fantastic teachers this year. Ms. Yokers also happens to me one of my friends. Peter and I are going to miss her dearly next year as she moves away from Japan and to California. Lucky for us she will only be 45 minutes away from Grandma Ann so maybe next summer we will be able to visit with her.

During the last week of school Andrew graduated from 5th Grade. Abby and I were able to be there for his promotion ceremony. We all enjoyed the guest speaker who gave some great advice to the soon to be middle schoolers. I was happy to hear Andrew tell me how much he liked what the guest speaker had to say. Although the kids were encouraged to dress in their Sunday best I could only get Andrew to wear a nice button down with khaki pants.
This year Andrew made the CFAY Commander's List for Academic Excellence for the entire school year. We are really proud of Andrew for making all A's and usually one B each quarter. We were especially proud of him when he made all A's during the 3rd Quarter. Getting all A's in Ms. Musrgrove's class is quite an accomplishment as she was a tough grader and counted not only quizzes and tests but ALL classwork into their grades for each subject. Lazy habits and not following through could really hurt your grade so Andrew learned very quickly to pay attention and do well on his classwork. Ms. Musgrove really pushed him hard this year so that he would he would be ready for Middle School. It was a tough year but he perservered with great grades and some great skills to take with him. I know Andrew is excited to go into Middle School and he is ready to be challenged and learn new and exciting things.

This year we added a new tradition of a balloon release on the last day of school. The kids had so much fun letting go of their balloons and watching them fly away. There is nothing more fun than the last day of school!

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