These pictures arrived today and I was so happy that they turned out so well. I will be selling some of my photos in these framed canvases at a local gift shop. I am so excited because it has motivated me to update my website, to read more about landscape photography, and to get going on getting some of those shots that I want of Japan before I leave. The best part is that whether I sell more of my photos or not does not really matter because I will always get to enjoy these photos in my own home. These photos make me so happy...more so than I ever felt when I took pictures of other people's families, children, and babies. I guess that means I have found my true passion with photography and it doesn't involve having clients to photograph. Now onto saving for some more lenses...

April 7, 2012
The cherry blossoms are almost at their peak and I just can't get enough of them. Luckily I can just walk pretty much anywhere and get good shots of the blossoms. They are on every street in our neighborhood and there is one street in particular that is magnificent. It is a hill that is lined with cherry blossom trees on both sides all the way up the hill. I kept meaning to take a picture but missed my opportunity this year. I guess I enjoyed the blossoms so much that I forgot to take pictures around my neighborhood (something I will not forget to do next year).

April 10, 2012
We spent the evening having dinner in Yokohama. Afterwards Mike stopped at a couple of places so that I could photograph Yokohama at night. It was truly the first time I have spent more than a minute or two setting things up for night shots of the city. I am always mesmerized by the city of Yokohama. It has tall buildings and lots of lights just like any other city but for some reason this city just has its charm. It it inviting, unique, and never dull. Our last stop was the boardwalk by Osanbashin Pier. I took a bunch of pictures of this cool pier while the kids got out of the car and ran up and down the boardwalk. This will have to be a place we come back and visit real soon.

April 14, 2012
Mike found a great app on the iPhone that scanned in pantry products. He decided to take on the big project of organizing and inventoring our entire pantry so that we could know exactly what we had when we went to the store. He even printed out labels to put on our current food storage cans so that when we used them all we had to do was scan them and take them off the list. The boys were super happy to help put labels on all the cans.

April 15, 2012
I caught a glimpse of the kids looking at one of our photo books that I made two years ago for their grandparents. They just poured over those pictures and laughed and were so excited to see older pictures of themselves. It made me realize how important it is for me to keeping blogging and working on my real big blog book. How much more exciting that one will be with pictures and journaling for them to look at.

April 20, 2012
All the kids have been working hard to fill their chore cards so that they can earn money. All three of the older kids had saved enough to buy something fun at Costco but Abby was still short by a couple of dollars. So really wanted the big disney princess barbie doll that comes with her horse. I knew that I should have just bought the one she wanted and put it away for when she had saved enough money but I didn't listen to myself and when she finally had enough money to buy it, it was gone. So, we did the next best thing and headed WAY out of the way to Toys R Us. Abby found a bunkbed for her Sylvania Family house and a new little princess doll. The look on her face was priceless and it made the trip out there totally worth it.
April 25, 2012

April 25, 2012
For my birthday this year Mike was super duper fabulous. He sent me on this crazy scavenger hunt where I got to be pampered all day long. First I got my nails done, then I got to eat lunch with Mike, then off to get a facial and a wax, next to get my hair done, and finally home for a steak dinner with crepes and cake for dessert with the family. It was the most fabulous birthday EVER!

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