We are so proud of Andrew in earning his Arrow of Light and moving on to Boy Scouts. He was able to take part in the Boy Scout Spring Campery and had such a blast. On Saturday we were able to go over to the campsite at Ikego and take part in his Arrow of Light ceremony and crossover into Boy Scouts. It was an amazing ceremony and well planned. Gabe was also earning his Arrow of Light and since he was going to the Ikego Troop and Andrew was joining the Yokosuka Troop, both troops were there. There were 12 boys lined up to represent the 12 points of the Scout Law. According to Mike who has witnessed some of these ceremonies, this was the coolest he had ever seen. Andrew's Webelos den leader presented the two boys to the Boy Scout Troop leader and after a few remarks about the boys and what they had earned in terms of Activity Badges, the 12 Boy Scouts called out each of the points from the Scout Law. Then they were presented with their Arrows and crossed over the grassy bridge to the other side where their troops were waiting for them. It was so neat to see how much they welcomed Andrew into the troop. I am so excited for Andrew in his next phase of scouting.

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