My view on motherhood has really changed over the course of this last year. It seems strange that my appreciation for being a mother continues to grow as I get older and things get harder. With ever increasing challenges as everyone faces new struggles I have somehow been able to find more joy in my role as a mother. There is not a day that goes by that I don't thank the Lord for my family and for a wonderful mother who continues to be such a great example to me. More than ever I appreciate my own mother and everything she stands for. She is the most wonderful woman that I know. I am honored to be her daughter.
I was asked to speak in church on Mother's Day this year. Although I don't enjoy speaking in public I knew that it would provide an opportunity to sit down and think about motherhood. Here is an excerpt from my talk:
"It’s amazing that it has taken me almost 32 years to finally begin to understand what it truly means to be a mother. And even now after much reflection on motherhood, I am still humbled to know that there is so much more that I need to learn. Being a mother is so much more than cleaning the house and washing the clothes, being the family chauffer, cook, counselor, and even nurse. Amongst other things, being a mother affords us the opportunity to learn more deeply about the LOVE our Savior has for us. In learning to care for our Father’s precious children we learn more about ourselves than we probably wanted to know, we recognize more strongly our strengths and our weaknesses, and we see through our children’s eyes what life is truly all about. Through motherhood we find our greatest joys, our biggest ah ha’s, and our true potential as women of God. It was no accident that our Heavenly Father made women sensitive beings with the capacity to love and care for each other.
As a mother of four wonderful children I can honestly say that being a mother is hard work. But as with anything that requires work, diligence and patience, there are usually wonderful outcomes awaiting us. I am not a perfect mother and I don’t have all the answers but I am trying hard to do what I can to be a good mother and wife.
Over the last couple of years I have really come to understand how much my children need my full attention during those moments of the day where am I usually the most exhausted. True love is putting our family first especially when it is hard and maybe a little inconvenient.
Love is giving of our time.
Love is being patient.
Love is not quick to anger but calm and steady.
Love is kind.
Love is being able to forgive.
Love is putting others’ needs ahead of our own.
Love is positive.
Love is gentle.
Love is being there for each other.
As mother’s we can be great examples of showing love within our families. Where there is love there is peace and happiness."