April 7, 2008

Hoh Rainforest

There are so many interesting things to do in the state of Washington. We enjoyed a week of fun as a family while the kids were on spring break. We filled our time with some fun adventures. The first of which was a trip to the Hoh Rainforest in the Olympic Mountains. After a three plus hour drive to get there, we were happy to get out and go for a hike...actually, it was more like a walk! The weather wasn't too bad. With just a little sprinkle, we were able to walk through part of the rain forest without too much trouble. So what is the rain forest like you might ask? Well, it was really green, really wet, and had lots of moss. It was neat to be able to go there but a little too long to travel for a trail that looks similiar to others we have been on. However, we did get to see some cool things. As we were driving to the entrance we encountered many elk eating off to the side of the road. While on our hike we saw a little chipmunk and he actually let us get pretty close to him before running off. Everyone had a great time and we were just happy to be together as a family doing something we love--being in the outdoors!

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