It seems like Andrew has already attended so many camping trips with the Boy Scouts this fall. On this particular camping trip they were camping near the track at Ikego so they could participate in the Relay for Life. During the day they hiked around the trails near the campground at the backside of Ikego and passed off some of their requirements. At night the Relay for Life started and Mike joined Andrew to run with him during his allotted times. They both ran for Mike's mom, Candace, who died of Ovarian cancer almost 10 years ago. It was a special time to remember her and to run for her. Everyone who participated each got to write on a bag who they were running for and then all the bags were placed around the track with a light in each one. Mike said it looked amazing. What a great event for them to be part of.

October 11, 2012
At the beginning of the school year while Peter's soccer practice conflicted with piano lessons we decided to let Abby take Peter's spot and try her hand at piano lessons. She did well for about two of the lessons but then it was just a challenge to keep her focused. Our piano teacher was so patient and so loving and although we decided to postpone piano lessons for another year I will still find our piano teacher challenging Abby with rhythm exercises between the other kid's lessons. Abby loves the attention and the challenge of copying the rhythms she hears Hiroko sensei play. I occasionally find Abby at the piano during the day playing her own made up songs on the piano. She will be a piano player like her siblings soon enough but until then I will just smile at her excitement of sitting down on the bench composing her own fun songs.

Octobe 14, 2012
One of the great things about General Conference weekend is the time we get to spend outside on Sunday. This fall we decided to take a hike along the Mt. Takatori trail close to our home. The weather was a bit gloomy and it looked as if it would rain but we really needed to get outside and do something between sessions. At the beginning of the trail at the top of Mt. Takatori we saw our friends, the Holleys, who were with the MWR on a rock climbing adventure up by all the boulders and great rock climbing peaks. We watched them climb and talked with them for awhile. One of the great things about Mt. Takatori which is literally only a mile from our house is the great rock climbing. We ended up hiking along the trail with our friends after they were finished with their rock climbing. The kids had so much fun on the trail with their friends that no one seemed to be bothered by the rain. We were a bit wet when we finally made it to the other side but everyone was still happy so it didn't seem to matter that it was raining. We will miss this great trail when we leave Japan.

October 17, 2012
Well the time finally came for Andrew to get started with braces. Today he got the top braces put on and will just have those for awhile in order to straighten his top teeth, correct his bite and bring his jaw forward a bit. Hopefully my days with braces not too long ago and my good attitude about them in front of the kids will pay off as I try and help him get through the hurdles of braces. It seems strange to already have one of the kids in braces!

October 20, 2012
I love watching the girls play together and I am always amazed when they can play not only with the girly toys but also with the boy toys like cars and dinosaurs. Today they wanted me to get out the car mat and all of the cars. I just sat in the hall out of view and watched them play together. It was cute to watch how well they played together and how much they enjoyed the cars. I love that my girls are entertained by a wide variety of things. In that aspect they are just like me. I remember playing with legos and the other boy toys growing up. He-Man, GI Joe, and Ninja Turtles were not uncommon things for me to play with, especially when I played with my brother Greg.

October 25, 2012
There is never a dull moment when Abby is around. Today she grabbed her goggles and the straw from her smoothie and pretended to be snorkling. She is seriously the funniest girl around. It made Mike and I laugh for quite some time to see her like this.

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