May 15, 2008

Van Lierop's Tulip Garden

We have been meaning to visit this small but quaint little garden for a couple of weeks. With the weather being so cold we waited until today because it was finally warm enough to not wear sweatshirts. I couldn't believe it was in the 60's and sunny! Finally a break from the rain and the cold. We were probably a bit late in the season to see all of the tulips in full bloom, but oh well. As we were walking around the gardens, there was actually a lady out picking off some of the tulips that had come to the sad. There were still a bunch of neat looking tulips left for us to enjoy. There was this really neat gazebo that overlooked a little pond with a tiny waterfall running down to the pond. The kids enjoyed hanging out there for awhile until little miss Emma had reached a breaking point. The poor girl was we stopped and ate our sandwiches in the shade overlooking all the wonderful tulips. This is Emma before stopping to eat. She was trying so hard to get me to pick her up. Obviously she was not very happy.

After eating our peanut butter and jelly sandwiches we ventured to the other section of the garden that was a little more interesting and well shaded. The bright sun does not bode well for our sensitive eyed Peter. Peter quickly found some really neat green and white striped tulips and the both of them found these cool purple tulips with what looked like a prickly edge. The edges were not prickly but soft and they called these flowers the tickle flowers. They had loads of fun touching and admiring those flowers.

We had a blast playing I Spy and just enjoying being somewhere beautiful without any time constraints. It is now my mission to find more gardens in our area to explore and enjoy. To see some more fun pictures from our little outing, click HERE.

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