May 31, 2008

Canning with Friends

Who would have thought that canning at home could be so much fun? A good friend started canning at home and has now started the trend of renting the canner for an easier and more flexible solution to getting that much needed food storage. We've been collecting food storage for about 4 years now and have a pretty good supply. With a new baby on the horizon I really wanted to stock up once again to get our "little store" prepared for the next long stretch. We rented the canner with our friends the Clarks and had a blast getting it done together. I have to admit that I actually did quite little in this part of the process. I did manage to get all the food, make the boxes, get all the cans and lids and such ahead of time from the cannery with my friend April. Mike set everything up just before Andrew got out of school. During the time I was gone getting Andrew from school and taking him to piano lessons, Mike and Peter had pretty much finished most of our canning. Apparently Peter was quite the little helper. He was the button pusher, can remover, and can organizer. I think he helped more than I would have been able to.

It was definitely fun to have friends to share in the joy of being prepared. Elise was so cute as she helped Tyler pour the food in the cans. April and I were happy to watch and order pizza for our hungry helpers. It was a great experience and I'm sure next time we run low on our storage we will do it this way again!

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