February 2, 2008

A True Example

After watching the funeral services for our beloved Prophet, Gordon B. Hinckley, I was touched and again reminded how deeply grateful I am for his example and life. There are so many legacies that President Hinckley left us. Those that will always stand out in my mind are his FAITH, HARDWORK, COMPASSION, and SERVICE. I have never seen anyone else with as much faith and dedication as I have seen President Hinckley show to all the world. His faith in Jesus Christ was undeniable and his faith in the people of the Church of Jesus Christ was so strong. He worked hard in all he did and always showed compassion and love for all. My faith in Jesus Christ is stronger because of the life and example of President Hinckley. I am grateful for all the leaders of this church who also show great faith and compassion. I know that the Lord's church will continue to progress because of the strength of its members and leaders. There are times in our lives when we reflect on our dedication to the things that matter the most to us in life. My dedication to my family, church family, and my Lord Jesus Christ are the driving forces in my life. To follow the example of President Hinckley, I am motivated to rededicate myself to increased Faith, Hardwork as a mother/wife and in my church callings, Compassion towards others, and Service to my family, friends, and neighbors. I have a testimony of Jesus Christ. I know that we will be able to live with our families forever if we will continue to live in accordance with the commandments of our God. I am grateful for parents who taught me in my youth the things that will be of most importance in my life. To them I say THANK YOU!


  1. Thank you for sharing your thoughts and testimony Sara. I too again was touched today as I watched the funeral services. Tears came to my eyes knowing all of the good he has accomplished. Such a motivated and inspiring man.

  2. I was touched by his constant service to his fellow man, regaudless of their faith. Thanks for a great post Sara.
