September 28, 2007

Is it really that time again?

I can't believe my little girl is entering the world of potty training. Ok, so she is only 20 months but knows exactly what the potty is for. We have had a couple of lucky moments....but most of the excitement comes from sitting on the toilet while playing with the toilet seat and the flusher. Emma knows that you get to flush when you are done and wash your hands with the cool foam soap. She is mostly fascinated by the bubbles made after washing your hands.

Who wouldn't want to be naked while sitting on the toilet?? I tried to explain to Emma that she could keep her shirt on, but I quickly lost that battle!

We couldn't be happier that she is so happy to be sitting on the toilet...the day of no diapers is coming before we know it! Ok, maybe that is wishful thinking.

And she just wouldn't be our curious sweet pea without this classic pose!


  1. Seriously, that last picture...that is the one you will tease her about 'til her wedding day. Way to go for catching your "normal" everyday moments. The ones that you will be the most grateful it!

  2. She is so cute! I love her little pigtails, I can't wait for Katie's hair to grow in!

  3. so cute, but you *know* she's gonna be embarassed in 10 years... ;-)
