Ever since Abby's birthday party and the amazing spread I did I have been hearing nothing but the things Andrew wanted me to make him for his birthday. Since he is in an odd year we were just doing a family birthday party but I thought I had better make it special since I put in a lot of time and effort into the girl's parties this year. I made mummy cake pops, chocolate dipped oreos and cupcakes at Andrew's request. I even revamped one of the girls birthday banners so it was all boy and put that up. We decorated the little table and chairs just like we did for Abby's birthday. He was so excited. I realized why I don't do birthday parties every year....it is just so much work. I looked at his spread and it didn't seem like a lot but it took forever to do it all. I am so glad he appreciated it.
This year marked the year where Andrew asked for big boy items...an iTouch and a camera were the top contenders. We weren't too thrilled about getting him an iTouch just yet so we decided to go with the camera. We knew he would love having his own camera where he could take pictures and bring them into photoshop and do all that fun stuff he learned how to do in his photography club in 5th grade. We also got him a remote control truck which he loved. From his grandparents he got some great books and a remote control helicopter. From his siblings he got a singing guitar card and a paper guitar that they bought with their own money. By far the most hilarious thing was the card that Emma and Peter helped me pick out for Andrew. It was underwear with big googly eyes on it and it sang "Happy Happy Underpants...etc" Andrew loved it! It turned out to be a really fun party with lots of eating and lots of laughter.

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