Both of the boys came home with awards this week. Peter was awarded the Citizen of the Month for 3rd Grade. Andrew was awarded the Golden Book Award for setting and meeting his goals of doing well academically and socially. Andrew was also awarded the Math Bee Honorable Mention for coming in 4th in the 5th Grade during the Math Bee semi-finals. I am so proud of my boys who work so hard in school to do their best.

May 8, 2012
Ocassionally I find a mess that really doesn't bother me that much. Today when I saw the big pile of books between the girls beds I just smiled because I knew that the girls were reading and looking at books. This was a mess worth photographing and smiling about.

May 9, 2012
Emma lost her first tooth on the top and then a couple of days later she lost the other one. She is the first of the kids to lose both front teeth at the same time. She looks so cute even with her teeth missing. It will be fun to see how she handles that big hole in her mouth.

May 12, 2012
The girls love to do projects and I am not always the best at providing lots of opportunities for messy projects. Today we got out a box and paints and I let them at it in the backyard. They had so much fun painting and creating their own little house for their dolls.

May 26, 2012
Since it was finally not raining it was a perfect day to wash the cars. The kids immediately put on their swimsuits so they could help Mike out and cool off in the heat. They all had fun trying to spray each other with the hose and smashing all the soap out of the sponges.

May 27, 2012
I found the girls in the bathroom one afternoon doing each others hair. I just giggled when I saw Emma's sign. What a bunch of cutie pies.

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