The month of December was a whirlwind of activities and busy moments. I was actually prepared with most of the Christmas shopping by the end of the first week. I didn't anticipate that the first two and a half weeks of the month would be filled with both professional and church related deadlines. In between the craziness we were able to finally find a great artificial tree and decorate it (1 Costco, 1 Lowe's, and 3 Home Depot's later) build and decorate a family gingerbread house, listen to Christmas music, hear Andrew and Peter play their Christmas songs on the piano, take the missionary tour of our church building for FHE, and make our traditional lemon poppyseed bread!
Our New Tree...
After watching Mike suffer every year with being allergic to a real Christmas tree and after getting so annoyed with having to water the darn thing we opted to get a fake tree this year. I thought we were being so prepared by getting our tree only two days after Thanksgiving. I mean, it wasn't even December yet. We found the perfect tree at the first Home Depot but they were, of course, sold out. So we went over to Costco and they didn't have any trees left. After two Lowe's we tried the last Home Depot in the area and I wasn't holding my breath as I literally ran into the store. I was shocked to see that there was ONE box left and I immiediately grabbed it and pushed it along the floor because in my rush I didn't grab a cart. As soon as I grabbed it another lady was asking me where a particular tree was located. I quickly realized that she was talking about the tree I had in my hands...the very last one. Deep inside I had to chuckle that I got the very last tree. My family must have thought I was nuts as I chanted in the car, "I got the very last tree....I can't believe it!!!" The kids were so excited when we got home to decorate the tree so they got all the ornaments out and laid them out in one long row. We actually waited until the next day after church to decorate our tree and enjoy cinnamon rolls. We let Abby put a few ornaments on the tree before putting her to bed. At first she was a little confused as to what she was suppossed to do with the ornaments. Andrew was sweet to help her out. Each of the big kids wanted a chance to put the star on the tree. Mike lifted each of them up but in the end Mike was the only one able to get the star to stay on the tree. Our tree was filled with a mix mash of ornaments collected over the years with my contribution of red ribbon. To us our tree is beautiful because each ornament means something to us--it is our tree of many memories and I wouldn't have it any other way.
Our Gingerbread House...I had hoped to make our gingerbread house from scratch this year but bagged that idea and went to Costco and picked up a kit instead. It turned out to be a really great thing to have the house, candy, and frosting all ready. The big kids helped to assemble the house and after Mike and I put the frosting on the house they happily put the candy on the house. Andrew was really particular with how he wanted the front roof to look. Emma would try and sneak her candies on his side and I believe she got away with a few but Andrew caught her in the act and was quick to tell her to decorate the back of the house. What fun is it to decorate the back when you can annoy your older brother?? In the end the house looked yummy and after eating too much frosting and candy I told them to wait until it dried to pick the candy off. It only took a couple of days before that house started looking bald again but I had to wait until after Christmas to throw it away so the kids wouldn't be disappointed.
Christmas Music...I love listening to Christmas music during the entire month of December. I am kind of a sucker for Amy Grant's Chrismtas music. Everyday the kids would get home from school I would put it on downstairs and Peter was always sure to let me know he didn't like that music. I compromised and let them listen to their Disney Christmas CD which they love. There was nothing greater, though, then listening to the boys play Christmas songs on the piano. They were so excited to practice so they could have a little concert for Grandma and Grandpa when they arrived for Christmas.
Christmas FHE...
For Family Home Evening the monday before Christmas we listened to the Missionaries give us their investigator tour of our church building. It was great to watch the kids listen to the missionaries and answer their many questions. I think we were all impressed by how much they knew and how profound their answers were. Andrew's random comments were most impressive. It was obvious to me after listening to him that he is really sensitive to the spirit. That will be a huge benefit to him throughout his life. This experience also made me realize how important it is to keep having consistent Family Home Evening with our children and for them to see and talk to the missionaries in our area. We were all challenged to think of someone to share the message of the gospel with. I know that I could be better at sharing the gospel with friends and neighbors. Sometimes our children are our best examples. Andrew has come home a couple of times and shared with me conversations he has had with some of his friends that don't believe in Jesus. It's amazing that he is not afraid to share what he believes.
I am grateful that we were able to reflect on the gift of our Savior this month as we thought about the importance of giving to others and shared in some fun family moments.