CAMPING AND HIKING at Sol Duc was so much fun. This was Emma's first time camping with the family. She loved the marshmallows to say the least. The boys loved helping dad put up the tent and start the fire. Everyone slept well except for the girls due to Emma waking up at 3 am because of two teeth bothering her. Oh well...we still had fun. We woke up the next morning to pancakes, eggs, and bacon and got ready for a hike to the falls. The short 1 mile hike to the falls was easy and scenic. The falls were amazing. The best part, however, was throwing rocks in the water upstream from the falls. We probably spent a good hour throwing rocks in the water. Dad even found some really big rocks to throw in.
EMMA loves to do everything the boys do...including throwing rocks in the water!
ANDREW and PETER both love the outdoors.Check out some more PICTURES of our adventure
in the Olympic Mountains.